dinsdag 19 februari 2008

I am…., I am…… AN OSTRICH

Many of us already done this. Certainly not everyone has a talent for writing and that I belong among them, I do not know, I will let others judge about that.
It’s just a way of expressing myself. Kicking to the way of life, the life I lead, things that happen and (especially but certainly not least) without getting to much physical injuries.
My columns, sometimes flooded with hydrochloric acid and even with nonsensical words, produce (in my case) lots of big ostrich eggs*.
Well, I burry my snout into the sand and stay put there like a pigheaded ostrich would do, and let all the stupid things glide along my long feathers. If that doesn’t work I’ll have to take my long legs and run as fast as I can. And boy! I can run hard! I could break world records.

Sometimes I really need those long loegs.. Sometimes it’s also certainnly better not to know, bend my head and look the other way.
Also Valentine didn’t leave me alone and my left me without hesitation a fully filled mailbox with e-cards of anonymous ‘worshippers’.
Okay, women think about sex and love more than thirty times a day but that doesn’t alter the fact that you don’t want to be loaded with these joyful mostly for the pleasure serving goodies just once a year. Why once a year and not the entire year? Or at least with a small frequency like once a month or so? It could save us a lot of misery I think. What is it that makes us human creatures longing for that one day in February?
Maybe it’s best I didn’t know the answer to that just now.

Again I put my head into the sand, it seems to be quicksand. I can’t escape to the fact that I will have to open a few mails because my mail quota is overloaded. Again I feel like a silly ostrich. As if my ‘pleasant’ extravagances during Carnaval still were not enough (okay, even I have expanded my mobile phone with new numbers like many others) a delicious and even gorgeous Englishman pops up into my mailbox.
Conveniently trying to believe that the beautiful picture he send was a real photo of him. Trying to believe he was not a faker like so many others.

Hmmm… Well, I’m still human and could not resist to returning him a mail full of romantic words, just for fun. I needed to wash my mouth with soap, believe me! Drawling!
Wrong! After answering, he overwhelmed me with emails where the romance and overloaded with words of drivel. Seen as a woman, I know I’m not particularly sensitive for those words. I even created an antipathy against it.

This goodlooking 40-year old man appeared to be a pitbull and has put his teeth into my neck and refused to release. I could feel the blood flow, it felt suffocating and an unpleasant feeling came over me. In my best English I tried to get loose of him, tried to let him down easy. These was nothing I could do, there was no avail. An oily solid deposit in his mailbox did the trick.

Again I felt an ostrich.. A silly goose, a donkey… Weird thing you would get if you would mix those three beasts together, but anyway.. I’m also not normal according to my friends..

I stuck my head even faster and further into the sand, tried again to read some emails but it didn’t work. My growing ego, bigger by Valentine? Now the opposite is proven.
Me, a stupid Valentine-ostrich prefer to close my full mailbox, my pc and will try to locate my bed soon. Hoping to get some sleep to at least make an effort try to get up the 15th again full of courage and waking up without Valentine and/or ostrich problems. Next year, I’ll stay the 14th in my bed all day! It may al go by this ostrich!

* my way of saying that it’s not going well

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